About A Sweet History

A Sweet History presents ice cream flavors inspired by people and places from the past.

A Sweet History encourages people to look at history in a new light through a universal medium: ice cream. A Sweet History believes in focusing on the histories of women and other people whose stories don’t typically get told in history books or popular media. While these histories are super important, they don’t have to be boring. They can be whimsical, bold, unusual, and delicious. 

A Sweet History began in Baltimore, Maryland in February 2017. Since then, A Sweet History has produced flavors in Boston, Massachusetts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and is currently located in New York City. 

The flavors are created by Hannah Spiegelman. Hannah has her masters in gastronomy from Boston University. Besides ice cream, Hannah loves oysters, vampire lore, her cat Jo, art museums, 1980s art deco, and complicated cocktails.

Order a pint.

If you’d like a custom pint or recipe inspired by people and places from the past, email us!